学术地位 & Exclusion, Suspension, Dismissal


A cumulative grade point average of 2.0是本科课程和大学毕业的最低可接受水平.

学术标准和咨询委员会或副院长审查学业成绩并排除, 暂停, 或者开除那些在学业上表现不充分或进步不确定的学生. 

More information about the academic standing and academic actions is included in the undergraduate academic catalog.


Will the academic exclusion, 悬架 或解雇 appear on my official transcript?

  • “学术悬”, 或“开除学籍”在发生学术行为的学期内印在成绩单上.
  • 如果该操作被取消,则删除该消息,如果学生的状态发生变化,则替换该消息.

I withdrew/I am on a leave of absence. Can I still be academically 被排除在外, 暂停, 或解雇?

是的. 期中后退学或请假,平均绩点低于2分者.0 五月 have an academic action. If this occurs the withdrawal or leave will be cancelled, and the student’s status will be changed to 被排除在外, 暂停, 或解雇. Their academic transcript is updated accordingly.

How will I be notified that I have an academic action?

On the date a student’s status is changed to 被排除在外, 暂停, 或解雇, the 注册商’s Office sends an email to the student’s UNH email address. For 暂停 或解雇 students, a letter is also mailed to the student’s permanent mailing address. 类似的, if the action is cancelled or changed, 被排除在外, 暂停, 或解雇 students will receive an email, and 暂停 或解雇 students will also receive a mailed letter.

What is an academic exclusion?

Students whose academic progress is uncertain, as evidenced by a combination of generally low grades, 不完整的课程, 以及行政上的失败, 五月, upon determination by the Academic Standards and Advising Committee or associate deans, 在其学术地位得到澄清之前,不得再出勤, usually by resolution of 不完整的课程. 除了, 排除可能需要解决有关主要部门要求或大学学术标准的问题. Exclusion is a temporary action and will be changed to Degree Status Discontinued, 停课或开除不得迟于学期中期,除非学生解决了问题. If exclusion is not promptly resolved, then the student’s registration and University housing will be canceled.  

What should an academically 被排除在外 student do?

在下一个常规学期(秋季/春季)开始之前,联系学院或学校询问解决排除的步骤。. See 'Who should a student contact if they have questions about an academic action?下面的.

If the student is not returning to UNH, 他们没有资格正式退出大学,而他们的身份被排除在外. 然而, 他们仍然需要整理与他们的账户相关的细节,并应联系学生账户, (603)862-2230, 结帐. A checklist of Offices that should be contacted is included at the end of this FAQ.

Can I make changes to my 秋天/Spring registrations while 被排除在外?


I am enrolled in classes at UNH for Summer. How does my academic action affect my Summer registrations?

如果学生注册了夏季学期的课程,他们的状态变为排除, 暂停, 或解雇, 他们将继续注册该课程,除非他们在公布的截止日期内通过添加/退出程序采取措施退出该课程.

If a student is enrolled for Summer Term classes 已经开始了, they are eligible to drop the classes within ten days of the exclusion, 悬架, 或解雇, by contacting the 注册商’s Office at 登记员.office@主要研究.edu. Students who drop a class during the ten-day period will receive a refund. If a student does not exercise this option, 他们必须继续参加并完成课程,并对课程的学业和经济负责。. If a Summer Term class has not yet started, 常规退课规则适用,学生可以在适用的退课截止日期前与注册办公室联系退课.  

Checklist for students leaving UNH

  • Discontinue monthly tuition payment plan, if applicable.
  • 金融援助 (603)862-3600, exit counseling.
  • 住房 Office (603)862-2120, check out of room, turn in room key, complete forms.
  • 餐厅/ID Office (603)862-1821, request Meal Plan/Cat’s Cache/餐厅 Dollars refunds.
  • 图书馆 (603)862-1535, return books, close out rented library lockers.
  • Student Accounts (603)862-2230

I am enrolled in classes at UNH for 1项. How does my academic action affect my 1项 registrations?

If a student is enrolled in a 1项 course and their status changes to 被排除在外, 暂停, 或解雇, 他们将继续注册该课程,除非他们在公布的截止日期内通过添加/退出程序采取措施退出该课程. If a student is enrolled for 1项 classes, they are not eligible to drop the class(es) after 公布的截止日期 硕士校历. 在公布的截止日期之后,学生在学术和经济上负责一月学期的课程,必须继续参加.

What is an academic 悬架?

学生的平均成绩低于最低要求的平均成绩和/或没有足够的进步向他们的学位可能会被停学. 因学术原因被休学的学生,在休学后一个常规学年学期(秋季或春季)结束后,才能作为学位候选人返回学校. 因此, 在休学期间,该生不得修读专业学院的在线课程或继续教育课程. 因任何原因被休学的学生将不能获得休学期间所修课程的转学分.  


During a regular UNH semester (秋天/Spring), no action is required 在 student’s part to drop the classes. After an initial appeal period has passed, 通常是两周, 教务处将取消停学学生的课程,学生账户将退还学费和学费相关费用.

To pay any outstanding balances or request a refund if available, the student should contact Student Accounts (603)862-2230. 当学生离开学校时,应该联系的办公室清单包含在本常见问题解答的末尾.


被停学一次且平均成绩远远低于班级最低平均成绩的学生,继续表现出取得学位进展不足的学生,必须被开除. 只有在特殊情况下,学生才会在被开除后重新入学. 然而, 被开除的学生可以在一个普通的UNH学期结束后继续学习课程.  

How do students resume their studies at UNH after an academic action?

Return after Academic Suspension
杜伦大学和曼彻斯特大学的学生如果希望结束休学,必须完成一份 Reactivation from Academic Suspension or Leave of Absence Form. 该申请将由学生所在学院的院长办公室(或曼彻斯特大学曼彻斯特分校学生学术咨询主任)审查。. 学生必须提供一份声明,解释为什么他们相信自己可以成功完成UNH学位课程,以及他们将采取哪些具体步骤来确保未来的学术成功. 如果得到批准, 学生将被恢复到他们离开的专业,并将收到注册办公室的确认. If the student no longer qualifies for the major they left, 他们的复读申请将由文理学院院长办公室审核,以便重新进入未申报的专业. 复学或休学表必须在开学前两周内提交.

Return after Academic Dismissal
只有在特殊情况下,学生才能在被开除学籍后重新入学. 在通过招生办公室申请重新入学之前,学生需要咨询他们以前的家乡大学(见下文联系方式). 

Who should a student contact if they have questions about an academic action?