Sustainability Institute Research

Sustainability Institute Research
class at the Portsmouth seawall


The oldest endowed, 美国高等教育的可持续发展项目, 可持续发展研究所的教职员工与来自各个学科和部门的合作伙伴合作,领导以目的为导向的问题解决方案,解决深刻的科学问题和社会需求, 从而使合作奖学金成为常态,而不是例外.

  • 草地上的可持续学习社区书

    The Sustainable Learning Community

    UNH has been a leader in advancing sustainability for two decades; co-authored by the Sustainability Institute's founding executive director Tom Kelly, 这本书探讨了永利app新版本官网地址中可持续发展的各个方面,以及综合教学方法的发展, learning, research, and campus operations.

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  • man on bike next to Ziweto sign

    Business Models for Social Change

    像麦当劳这样的商业特许经营的大规模增长为扩大社会影响提供了灵感. Although still very young, 社会部门特许经营正在催生一系列成功的企业,为进一步扩张提供了经验. Dr. 菲奥娜·威尔逊(Fiona Wilson)是这份最新出版物的合著者, The Promise of Social Sector Franchising, in Stanford Social Innovation Review.

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  • Karen with Chef Todd at UNH dining hall

    Equity Competencies

    Thomas W. 哈斯教授,凯伦·斯皮勒的研究集中在 推进可持续农业及其相关的粮食选择公平问题, economics, education, nutrition, and well-being. She recently co-authored the published paper, “为可持续粮食系统教育项目建立公平能力模型”. 

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  • Professor Wake teaching a class

    Municipal adaptation to climate change

    Josephine A. 七鳃鳗气候与可持续发展教授, Dr. Cameron Wake, 最近与人合著了一篇论文,探讨了如何促进新罕布什尔州地方政府利用气候信息来适应气候变化. 

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Sustainability Institute Professorships

在可持续发展的关键方面授予教授职位,使我们能够帮助教师领导加强UNH与新英格兰社区之间的联系. 这些教授通过将理论与实践联系起来,将社区联系起来,为联合国大学的可持续学习社区带来了独特的视角, 跨学科的工作,我们的社区网络给学生, faculty, and staff at UNH through lectures, workshops and collaborative scholarship.

The Thomas W. Haas Professor of Sustainable Food Systems

The Thomas W. 哈斯教授推动可持续农业发展, food choices, nutrition, 以及校园内外的经济和社会福利. The Haas Professorship was established to deepen the ties between UNH and the New England food system; by serving as a “Professor of Practice”, 凯伦·斯皮勒将独特的社区和从业者视角带入联合国大学可持续学习社区.

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Karen A. Spiller

Josephine A. Lamprey Professor of Climate and Sustainability

Thanks to generous support from Josephine Lamprey, 2011年,气候与可持续发展教授作为参与式研究和社区参与的混合模式成立, 解决复杂的可持续性挑战所需要的创新方法.  

Dr. Cameron Wake于2011-2023年担任七鳃鳗教授, 领导合作努力,教育下一代可持续发展领导人, 制定和实施气候行动计划,继续减少联合国的温室气体排放, 帮助建设低排放和适应气候变化的社区, 加强联系可持续发展实践者的网络. 


Cameron Wake


Sustainability Institute Research


Climate & Energy

New Hampshire Climate Assessment 2021
MD Lemcke-Stampone, CP Wake, E Burakowski

CP Wake, J Peterson, CJ Lewis, V Levesque, D Kaye 



V Levesque, CP Wake, J Peterson

Allison Leach, guest editor




man speaking on panel

Equity & Justice

Will Valley, Erin Betley, Colin Dring, Molly Anderson, Sharon Akabas, Nicole Blackstone Tichenor, Eleanor Sterling, Joanne Burke, Pamela Koch, Karen Spiller


Hands together diversity

Business Models for Social Change


The Promise of Social Sector Franchising
Greg Starbird, Fiona Wilson, E. Hachemi Aliouche

Jill Howard, Fiona Wilson, E. Hachemi Aliouche

Jill Howard, Fiona Wilson, E. Hachemi Aliouche

Ilona Drew, Abraham DeMaio, Fiona Wilson

man on bike next to Ziweto sign